Providing employees with credit cards may seem convenient. But sharp criticism will likely follow if the cards are misused or appear to have been. And while large nonprofits typically have strong internal controls that minimize the risks, smaller organizations may need to take steps to protect themselves from credit card abuse. That begins with establishing a formal credit card policy.
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Micro-donations Good things come in small packages
Donations to nonprofits plunged during the latest recession and have been edging their way to healthier levels ever since. But many contributors today can afford only small gifts in a still-tight economy. Enter the micro-donation.
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Joint costs: The right way to allocate
With so much attention these days paid to fundraising ratios, many nonprofits feel pressure to minimize their fundraising expenses. This makes allocating joint costs — costs associated with activities that have both fundraising and other functions — appealing. But before you take that step, make sure that you’re familiar with some frequently misunderstood accounting rules.
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DOL issues guidance on independent contractors
New U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) guidance addresses the standard for determining whether an employee is misclassified as an independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The guidance incorporates the “economic realities” test and provides broader FLSA coverage than the common law control test, which focuses on the employer’s control over the worker.